Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Excitement levels rising

Tom loves christmas. He keeps saying "we are getting ready for xmas", he has been waking up earlier than we'd like so I'm hoping that after December 25th he will go back to his long lies.

It's just as well he is so happy and excited as we haven't had the best week. I don't want to go into detail tonight but a combination of implant funding battles being lost and family members going through a terrible time are making things a bit hard. Thank goodness for Tom and his xmas spirit. I have to say that I have learnt a couple of mummy lessons on the xmas front.

First -Read the party invitation properly
We went to our first CICS Xmas party and it was fab. However we did get there a teeny bit late and were the last to arrive, when we walked into the room I noticed that all the other children were dressed up. There were fairies, policemen, santas etc... and then Tom dressed in normal clothes. I thought he would be too young to notice but he said to me "they are all dressed up". My heart sank - poor little chap is going to feel like the odd one out - anyway he didn't dwell on it. His comment was had the same tone as "it's raining today" and thankfully no further comment was made.

Second - hide the presents well
Tom has been asking for a garage and a mini for a few weeks now. His previous garage broke and was thrown away, he accepted this but when he realised that Santa brought presents he started hinting that he'd like a garage and a mini. I scoped out the garages on offer and bought him one that looks like it will last (he loves his cars). I hid it in our spare bedroom which is in the loft thinking that he never goes there. His friend Franky came over to play and they went exploring in the spare bedroom (a.k.a known as Dave's room, Dave is my brother who Tom adores). Tom came running downstairs and had the happiest look on his face "there's a garage up there, in Dave's room, Mummy come and look". Oh noooo, I looked at Frankie's mum in a panic, she advised that I say it's someone else's so I did but I couldn't think whose it might be. Tom's face dropped a bit and then he said "It's Dave's". Phew, so I have since told him that I posted it to Dave. He seems to have accepted all this.


Anonymous said...

Aww, I can't help but chuckle at this story. He is such a fun little boy! What I wouldn't give to live close to you all. So sorry to hear that there are some funding and family difficulties. I hope that things work out for you all.

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas, Tom, and to your parents as well. Thanks for sharing your lives.