Saturday, 17 November 2007

Smart boy stupid parents

I know I'm biased but my son is very smart. He does however struggle with getting his stupid parents to understand simple things so has to find ways of explaining things to them. He often has to break down information into bite size pieces so that we are clear about his needs. Yesterday he had us in stitches when he did this. He has been testing his boundaries recently and getting him dressed can often be a battle. He finds a million and one things to do that are far more interesting than getting dressed, he is the king of distraction. It is tricky because at some points during getting dressed/undressed he doesn't have his implants on and so then communication can break down. I wonder if I let him get away with things that I wouldn't normally because of this. Anyway I ended up losing my patience realizing that I was being taken for a fool and so I put him on the naughty step. We have only just introduced the naughty step and usually the threat of a spell on the naughty step gets him to comply. Yesterday it didn't!! I put him on the step and went to talk to Jason who was working (trying to work) in his office.

We could hear Tom shouting and having a full on tantrum. Then he stopped and started saying "I want to get off the step" followed by more shouting...followed by silence then "I want to get off the step" (he could get off the step at any point but he is inherently a good boy so stays on it until we say he can get off). Then more silence whilst he realizes that his parents are clearly not understanding what he wants so how to explain it them? ..hmmm... then "I want to get my bottom off the step" ...silence..."I want to get my bottom off the step and walk it to the bathroom".."my bottom doesn't want to be on the step mummy"

What do you say to that? I had a good chat with him about why he was on the step then we got on with our day.

Needless to say this morning he got dressed without any problems.


Anonymous said...

Oh, he is a little whipper-snapper! I love that he decides to break it down for you guys like that.

Like you, I wonder how much behavior I allow to slide when Ethan isn't wearing his implant.

Jennifer said...

That is just HYSTERICAL!!! I think that's REALLY mature language for a child Tom's age...his rationale and choice of words cracks me up!! Your boy is a real prize...I just wish I could hear him in real life!
I think I'm going to have to share this one with my hubby when he gets home...this is great stuff!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

such a smartass!