Wednesday, 24 October 2007

My very first post!!

This is my very first post, it's going to be a short one because I have spent far too long trying to select a name for my blog and a template (which is a bit dull so might have to work on that tomorrow).

When i was trying to select a name for the blog Jason (my husband) asked what my blog was for, I'm not really sure but mainly to try and get the mad ramblings that go on in my head out of my head and somewhere else.

Jason has a blog which he started when our son lost his hearing to meningitis. Tom's meningitis has put life into perspective for us and as a result I am going to stop working and be a stay at home mum. I can't wait and I am a bit scared at the same time. I like parts of my job (the salary!!) but it has become too much. I work 3.5 days compressed into 3 so the hours are long. The plan was to enjoy my 2 days off with Tom but as soon as he became ill my days off were hijacked by medical appointments. So i just want some time to enjoy being with him and to try and be a better mum and take the pressure off Jason and I. I don't know if other working mums feel like this but I just feel as though I don't do a good job at home or at the office and it's so frustrating.

We recently had Tom assessed by a physio because the meningitis also left him with poor balance and coordination. She gave us lots of exercises to do with him but I don't feel that I have put enough time aside to do them, I don't feel I put enough time into his speech therapy either so here's hoping that after the 8th Nov I will have time to do all that.

Well enough for now, i don't know how to finish a post so ... bye for now.


Jason said...

There are so many things better than work! I'm just going to be so envious listening to the two of you playing all day!!

Great start babe - I'm looking forward to a new insight into your mind!!

And the Toots will be proud.

J xx

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you have a blog! You'll love it!

I had quit teaching after the birth of Ethan, but had plans to go back right about now. His health issues have put that plan on hold indefinitely though. I coudn't possibly work and send someone else on all of his weekly therapies, so I completely empathize with this point.

Must go pay attention to the toddler...

Smudge said...

Do keep the blog up! I may consider a CI when I get older, if the technology improves enough to be worth my having it.
All the best

Anonymous said...

You are doing an excellant job, don't ever feel guilty. Tom is a shining example of your love and dedication to him.

DL xx

Anonymous said...

Good start, welcome to another member of Tom's family.  Only two questions left:

- when will Grandma get blogging?

- when will Tom get blogging?

Best wishes.

Oh, and I think it might help to try to enjoy the moment with Tom, rather than focus on the time you can't spend with him.  Easy for me to say, hard for you to do, but maybe it will get easier.

Anonymous said...

hay nikki

can't wait for you to finish work;)I know your gonna love being home, don't go having a spotless house though, a friend of mine told me years ago "a spotless home is the sigh of a wasted life" As you know i took that counsole a little too much to heart:)
As someone who knows you i have to say i think your fab! You always put tom first, he's such a lovely well rounded little boy. Nothing short of amazing after every thing he's been though. Should i ever experience such adversity i would hope to follow the example of you and jason. 100% positive, always moving forward, always doing the best you can. Just look at your happy, car crazy boy, a true reflection of your devotion. gonna enjoy keeping an eye on you from here.
love to you all joanne

Anonymous said...

dont feel guilty. working with a deaf child is immensely demanding and rewarding but takes up an enormous amount of energy as nothing is taken for granted. Working long hours on top of that means your quality of life can be severly curbed.
I worked for ten months after the birth but my priorities shifted after the diagnosis. The work I was doing seemed unimportant in the wider context. Don't beat up on yourself either - men never do!!

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