Sunday, 28 October 2007

Weekends and things

Firstly thanks to those of you who have read and commented on here, I didn't really expect anyone to. Now the pressure...people actually read what I write.

Our weekend
We have had a nice weekend and I'm starting to think Tom and I share common interests. I have evidence of this because he talks to me about it which is so cute. When I was pregnant and found out I was having a boy I didn't really think about the baby phase, I just thought about the cute toddler phase. Needless to say when he was born and was a baby I went into shock for a week or so. I hadn't really thought about what you do with a baby, then we got into the whole getting him to eat, sleep and burp thing and it was all fine. Anyway, now he does talk and it's lovely. I don't have hobbies as such but I like to go out to eat, go on holiday and go to the cinema and I think that Tom likes to do all these things too. Tom regularly says to me "can we go to a cafe and we will eat chips", a cafe for Tom can be a cafe, restaurant, fast food place or pub. So on Friday we went to Pizza Express for dinner and Tom ate olives, dough balls and garlic butter, A pizza (he did remove the mushroom because apparently they are yucky), strawberries and icecream, and mine and nanny's chocolate straws. Then we got into the car and he told me he was hungry so could he have some pomcorn (popcorn) so we went home and he ate some snackajacks!!

We took him to the cinema for the first time a couple of weeks ago and it was a big winner. We went to see Ratatouille which is a cartoon about a rat who becomes a chef in Paris. Tom loved the whole experience, the flip up chairs, the hotdog, the movie and the popcorn. When we drive past the cinema he asks if we can go there and eat pomporn. Pixar need to bring a new film out soon.

It's very handy that he can now tell us what he likes and sometimes embarrassing that he tells us and other people what he doesn't like.

The fact that he can tell us all these things reinforces to me that we made the right decision when we decided to self fund his second implant after the NHS turned us down. Tom and I have made some new friends - a family who have a little boy who is about 3 weeks younger than Tom and is also profoundly deaf. He was born deaf due to CMV. His mum is an amazing mum to four boys. We met them because they emailed us asking about our appeal for funding for a second implant as they were now going through the same process. Their son has one CI but they feel that he would benefit from another one. They went before an appeal panel on Thursday and I got an email from them on Friday saying that they had been successful. This news is fantastic for them and their little boy. Their email said that it made them angry that we did not get the funding for Tom. Well if I am honest it makes me angry and sad too but that doesn't take away from the fact that I wanted them to get the funding because it will make their life much more straightforward than if they went down the private route. Had they been turned down it would have made me even angrier at the unfairness of the whole system.

So congratulations to them and their little soon to be bilateral man.

Wednesday, 24 October 2007

My very first post!!

This is my very first post, it's going to be a short one because I have spent far too long trying to select a name for my blog and a template (which is a bit dull so might have to work on that tomorrow).

When i was trying to select a name for the blog Jason (my husband) asked what my blog was for, I'm not really sure but mainly to try and get the mad ramblings that go on in my head out of my head and somewhere else.

Jason has a blog which he started when our son lost his hearing to meningitis. Tom's meningitis has put life into perspective for us and as a result I am going to stop working and be a stay at home mum. I can't wait and I am a bit scared at the same time. I like parts of my job (the salary!!) but it has become too much. I work 3.5 days compressed into 3 so the hours are long. The plan was to enjoy my 2 days off with Tom but as soon as he became ill my days off were hijacked by medical appointments. So i just want some time to enjoy being with him and to try and be a better mum and take the pressure off Jason and I. I don't know if other working mums feel like this but I just feel as though I don't do a good job at home or at the office and it's so frustrating.

We recently had Tom assessed by a physio because the meningitis also left him with poor balance and coordination. She gave us lots of exercises to do with him but I don't feel that I have put enough time aside to do them, I don't feel I put enough time into his speech therapy either so here's hoping that after the 8th Nov I will have time to do all that.

Well enough for now, i don't know how to finish a post so ... bye for now.